[A Look-back] interview: Bear//Face

On A Look-Back section we revisit some of our past interviews on Lights and Music, which were lost during the shutdown in 2019. This interview with Bear//Face (aka Bearface) was originally published in November 2012 as a part of our “Focus” section, in which we’d share up-and-coming artists through introductory questions.


What was your initial aspirations to start making music? How long have you been making music?
Started playing guitar when I was about 11 or 12 and been playing music ever since. Started producing in bands and stuff when I was about 15/16 but only started making electronic music properly last year. 


What kind of music did you grow up listening to?
Strangely my mum was always into 90's hip hop like Dre and Snoop but I never really paid attention till I was about 15 haha, but in general pretty much all bases were covered, my parents have strange music tastes so I just clung onto that really. 


Tell us the reason behind the unit name, Bear//Face.
There is no reason at all haha. I hate naming things and it always makes me laugh when you read about the reasoning behind someones name and they come up with a really ostentatious explanation. I just wanted a dumb name which wouldn't be taken seriously.  


What do you do besides creating music?
Cry and masturbate a lot.


What did you try to accomplish through the latest EP, "Beat_Tape"? You seem to have a knack for disintegrating R&B songs and bringing different meanings to your own tracks. 
To be honest I just wanted to put out a few old beats I'd been making over the past year so it was really only to see if the internet approved of my stuff haha. I'm a huge r&b fan and that style of singing is super fun to manipulate, plus it's always fun to sample a happy song and make it sound depressing. 


Would you ever think of putting your own vocals?
Maybe in the distant future.


What does it feel like seeing your name mentioned on lots of music sites?
It's weird as hell, the response has been crazy. It's awesome though, had a few great opportunities as result.


What lies ahead?  Are there any plans for 2013?
New EP hopefully out next summer, also working with some great people at the moment and plan on playing as many shows as possible. That being if people actually turn up. 



listen: Sam Goku, “Momentum”


stream: Faux Real, “Faux real”