Focus: Kogane


日本人の血を引き、カナダで生まれ育ったプロデューサー、KoganeRyan Hemsworth主催のレーベル、Secret Songsからリリースされた前作『Traces EP』は、シネマティックなアレンジとオーガニックなエレクトロニックサウンドで、自身のルーツであるカナダや日本の叙情的な風景を描き出し、人気を博しました。そんなKoganeが今月、最新シングル”Fumizono/ Nobody’s Here”をリリース。Tim HeckerSigur Rosを彷彿とさせる、氷のようなアンビエントサウンドを展開しています。

今回はそんなKoganeにフォーカス。彼の音楽との向き合い方や、日本との関わり、そしてタイトルにもなった北海道釧路市の地区「Fumizono」についてお話を伺いました。(English follows after Japanese)

父親とともにメキシコにいます。4月に日本に行く予定だったのですが、今ではいつそれが可能になるかわかりませんね。僕はまだ大学生なので、学校の宿題をしながら音楽を作って時間を過ごしています。Adobe Illustratorの使い方も覚えはじめました。楽しいですよ!



ギターペダル、フェンダーストラトキャスター、ミディキーボード、takamineのアコースティックギター等々。Micorocosmという名前のHologram Electronicsからでたギターペダルの到着を待っているところで、ナイロンギターも最近欲しいと思ってます。次に買うとしたらそれですね。



”Fumizono”は北海道釧路市にある地区のことで、それがどこか知らない人が大半だと思います。でも僕にとっては、とても重要な場所。僕が友達に会いに初めて日本を訪れた時のことでした。 僕は17才で、日本に行くためにお金を貯めました。そのためにいろんなことをしたのですが、なんとか東京行きの飛行機に乗り、札幌の千歳空港に向かいました。一日札幌で過ごして、次の日に電車に乗って釧路まで行きました。懐かしい思い出の一つです。今思い出すと、ほろ苦い気持ちでいっぱいになります。もうこんなことは決して体験できないんだなと感じつつも、こんな素敵な思い出ができて、嬉しい気持ちもあります。”Fumizono”はまさしくその時の気持ちを表現した曲で、”Nobody’s Here”はかつてそこに住んでいた人はもういないということを表現しています。

”Fumizono/Nobody’s Here”は現在各サービスストリーミング/発売中

Where are you right now and how are you spending your time during quarantine?
I’m in Mexico with my dad. Originally I was supposed to be back in Japan from April but looks like that will have to wait for a while. I’m still a university student so I spend some time doing classwork but most of the time making music! I’ve also started using Adobe Illustrator recently. It’s fun!

To those who may not know about your music, how would you describe your style?
My style I think changes from song to song but to generalize it I would say experimental, acoustic, and electronic. This release, Fumizono, is more just electronic and experimental.

When did you first start producing your own music?
At the start of 2017 is when I started producing music but I’ve been playing guitar since probably around 2009. I’ve always had a keyboard to play on as well since the late 2000s but I definitely wouldn’t call myself a keyboard player.

What music equipment do you use?
I have a few guitar pedals, a fender stratocaster, a couple of midi keyboards, a takamine acoustic guitar, and some other random things. I’m currently waiting for my new guitar pedal by Hologram Electronics called the Microcosm! I also really want a nylon guitar. It will probably be my next musical purchase.

Your music has a strong nostalgic feel to it. What kind of scenery are you trying to paint with your music?
Thank you! I think whenever I create music, I always tend to be relating it to past events in my life. My first EP entitled Traces is just a small bundle of songs about certain memories. For the listener I would love if they could paint their own scenery in their head with the sounds I make.

What is your association with Japan and it’s culture?
My mom is half Japanese but I grew up in Vancouver, Canada. Until about 15 I didn’t have a very big interest in Japan, but since then and to this day, my interest in Japan has really grown. The first time I visited japan was in 2013 and I have tried to visit every year since. I was also able to live in Japan for a year from 2018. I grew up being shown a lot of Japanese media thanks to my mother but I definitely feel Canadian. Being Canadian to me has a big sense of multiculturalism which makes me appreciate being brought up in Canada.

One of the tracks is called “Fumizono”. What does the word mean to you and how did it come about?
Fumizono is a district in Kushiro, Hokkaido. It’s nothing special to the average person, but to me, this place means a lot. The first time I visited Japan, I went here to see my friend. I was only 17 and I have saved up enough money to go to Japan. I experienced a lot of hurdles along the way but to sum it up, I hopped on an airplane to Tokyo, transferred to a flight to go to Chitose airport in Sapporo. Stayed in Sapporo for the night and the next day went on a train from Sapporo to Kushiro. This is one of my fondest memories. I look back at this memory and the time I’ve spent there feeling very bittersweet. I know I’ll never experience anything like it again but I am so happy to be able to have such a nice memory. The song Fumizono is obviously about this place and the second song Nobody’s Here is about how the people that I once visited do not live there anymore

”Fumizono/Nobody’s Here” is avalable now on major streaming services

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watch: Kate NV, “Plans”


[Playlist] Classic Album Club