stream: Rozi Plain, “Prize”
イギリスのフォークバンド、This is The Kitのベーシスト、Rozi Plainが新作ソロアルバム『Prize』をリリース。Bandcampで試聴・購入できます。
静謐で奇妙な雰囲気の歌が詰まった今作。その淡々とした趣は、Aldous Hardingの作品を彷彿とさせます。The Comet is ComingやTrash Kitのメンバーをゲストに迎え、遠くで静かに鳴るシンセサイザーの音、幽霊のように数々の歌声を重ねるコーラス、バラエティに富んだ曲の展開など、リスナーを最後まで飽きさせません。おすすめはサクソフォニスト Alabaster Deplume をフィーチャーしたアルバムオープナー、”Agreeing For Two”、管楽器が歌を華麗に彩る”Help”。
The singer songwriter also known as the bassist of This is The Kit, Rozi Plain has released their transcending new solo album “Prize” early this year.
The mood of the album is rather quiet, but packed with tons of beautiful, queer and surprising moments. Take the playful instrumental section of “Prove Your Good”, the ghostly harmonies and wind instruments which gorgeously decorate “Help”, as well as the subtle flourish the saxophonist Alabaster Deplume provides. It is absolutely magical.
Stream/Purchase “Prize” on bandcamp now.